社会連携?沙巴体育_沙巴体育官网-【官方直营】Social activity & Lifelong learning



駒澤大学は、近未来における地球的規模での危機を十分に認識し、人類及び世界における持続可能な社会の構築のために2015年9月に国連サミットで採択された「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals)」に共感?賛同し、その達成に向けて、各国?各機関?各組織等をはじめとする様々な人々と密接に協力し、本学の教育?研究等の諸活動において、全学的に、積極的に貢献していくことを、ここに宣言します。

駒澤大学は、「仏教の教えと禅の精神」を建学の理念とし、「ともに、よりよい明日を築く」ことをその使命としてまいりました。これを原点として、近時、喫緊の課題となっている「ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン (多様性を認め、受け入れて活かすこと)」を推し進めるために、〈個〉を活かした「しなやかな大学の実現」を目指しています。





Komazawa University SDGs Declaration

Komazawa University is fully cognizant of the risk of a global-scale crisis in the near future. We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted at the September 2015 UN Summit with the aim of building a sustainable society for people and for the world. We hereby declare our intention to work closely together with countries, institutions, organizations, and various other parties and, through our education and research activities, to contribute to the achievement of these goals.

"Buddhist Teachings and the Spirit of Zen" are our founding principles, and our mission is "building a brighter future, together." In order to encourage diversity and inclusion, which has in recent years become an issue of great importance, we seek to become a flexible university that maximizes "individuality."

We have been committed to Buddhist values for many years, and we believe these values are closely compatible with SDGs, which are a reasoned summation of the issues facing our planet. Going forward, we will actively seek to realize a society in which no one is left behind, and in which all forms of life are respected.

For the sake of a society in which no one is left behind, and in which all forms of life are respected, our university has worked together with various stakeholders--including our academic staff, students, and local communities--to formulate the target actions listed below to achieve SDGs. We will actively implement concrete initiatives to this end.

Target actions to achieve SDGs:
(Education) At Komazawa University, we will endeavor to provide a consistently high level of education, and nurture people capable of thinking and acting for themselves.
(Research) At Komazawa University, we will encourage research in specialized fields of learning and research in technical development, and seek to put the fruit of this research into practice.
(Collaboration) At Komazawa University, we will work together with our partners, transmit information as a bastion of learning, and contribute to the realization of SDGs.

Komazawa University
April 28, 2022
